Our beautiful Ellie Gray sadly lost her battle with cancer on Friday 1st April 2022. She was with her family, held tightly by her fiancé Brendan and surrounded by music and love.
Dancer for Cancer is a celebration, dedicated to everything that Ellie held close to her heart. Music, laughter, and dancing the night away.
We are holding this fundraiser to raise well-needed funds for Tweed Palliative Support Inc. & Wedgetail Retreat, who were fundamental during Ellie’s final days with us.
Please dig deep however you can. Any donation is much appreciated. Whether you are able to attend or want to show your support from afar, let’s give our girl the send-off we’re sure she would have wanted, and these vital organisations the support they deserve.
Tweed Palliative Support Inc. & Wedgetail Retreat: https://www.tweedpalliativesupportandwedgetailretreat.com/
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